

Success can be a lonely road. It can be a tough road. It can be a hard road. Its not for everyone. Those who follow others like sheep. We never know who they truly are. Only those who follow their own path can discover their true potential. Those who fly alone have the strongest wings. Those who walk alone have the strongest direction. The rest will always be in need of others for their survival. They will always need attention need recognition to survive. Im at peace alone. No attention. No recognition. And still I thrive. 在走向成功的道路上,人往往是孤独的。这是一条曲折的道路,这是一条泥泞的道路,这条路不是每个人都走得了的。那些随波逐流的人,永远不会被世人记住。只有那些坚定地走自己的路的人,才能挖掘自己的潜能。那些独自翱翔的人拥有最强壮的翅膀。那些独自前行的人拥有最明确的目标。剩下的人,只有依赖别人才能生存。他们总是需要别人的注意,总是需要别人的认可,否则他们就活不下去。我自己一个人很好。就算没有别人的关注和认可,我也能不断成长。

Im not saying those who have support are weak. Im not saying you must go at it alone to gain strength. This is just for those who have fought battles alone, those who have felt like they dont fit in, those who have never had support in anything they do. All of those who feel no one believes in them. You dont need them to believe in you if you believe in you. You dont need their support if youve got your own back. The best part is when you truly live the life you want to live, when you speak your truth, when you embrace who you are then you gain real respect and real love. 这并不是说获得他人帮助的人很无能,也不是说你只有通过独自奋斗才能提高自己。这话是说给那些独自战斗的人,那些感觉自己无法融入周围圈子的人,那些从来没有获得别人支持的人听的。如果你对自己有信心,你就不需要别人认可自己。如果你为自己铺好了路,你就不需要别人的支持。最美好的事情,就是你能把生活过成了自己想要的样子,就是你能坚定地说出自己的想法,就是你能拥抱最真实的自己,那样你才会得到真正的尊重,真正的爱。

People love those who have the guts to be themselves, those who have the courage to follow their hearts. Why? Its rare. Why? Because most people wish they could do the same. Show them the way. Keep going. Believe in yourself. It will all come good in the end. And when it does you wont have only inspired yourself to be more. You have inspired so many others. I had to learn to fight alone and because of that, I am strong alone. I am strong. Full stop. I developed an inner strength that cant be broken. I am unbreakable. Because of this pain, I am strong. Because of the struggle, I have character most will never know. 人们喜欢那些有勇气做自己的人,那些追随自己内心的人。为什么?因为这样的人太少了。为什么?因为人们希望自己也能做到这样。去给人们指明方向吧!不断努力,相信自己。最后,一切都会是最完美的。到那时,你不仅鼓舞了自己,也激励了他人。曾经,我不得不单打独斗,正是因为如此,我更强大了。我很强大,事实就是如此。我的内心坚定而有力量。没有什么事情可以打败我。因为伤痛,我变得强大。因为我曾困苦挣扎,我才拥有这样令人惊艳的品格。

I appreciate others more than ever. I have more compassion than ever. I had to go deep into the darkness. Now I have more depth. Now I can see clearer. I had to face huge internal changes. Now I can defeat any challenge. I will destroy every challenge. I am proud of who Ive become. I am proud I have overcome. I am proud I kept going. I am proud of who I am, who Ive become. Im proud I stayed true to myself, because now I can live as myself with respect from others and most importantly pride and respect from myself. 我从没有像现在这样对他人充满感激,我比以前更能同情他人。我曾在深不见底的黑暗中挣扎,但如今我的境界也就更高了,我对事情看得很透彻了。我的内心曾有剧烈波澜,但如今我能自如应对一切挑战,我能自如击破每个挑战。我为现在的自己感到自豪。我因自己克服了众多困难而自豪。我很自豪,因为我一直在进步。我为我的人格感到自豪,我为如今的自己感到自豪。我很自豪,因为我一直听从内心的想法,因为现在我能活出自己最真实的样子,得到他人的尊敬,最重要的是,我得到了自己的尊敬。

Everybodys got a dream. Everybodys got a goal. Whats the plan? Your plan has to be clear, concise, compelling, consistent and committed. You gotta have a plan. Dont go to bed without a plan of how youre gonna handle the next day. You have to work at it every day. You have to plan. Productivity has never an accident. I want you to understand that its not gonna happen by luck. Success has caused an effect. Not magic luck or magic fairy dust. Success is easy. Its making a plan and executing the plan every day. Make a plan. Work the plan. Make a plan. Work the plan. And whenever the plan doesnt work, you change the plan.Thats called failure. Its called learning a lesson. Called adjusting. 每个人都有自己的梦想。每个人都有自己的目标。你的计划是什么?你的计划必须清晰、精确,必须令人信服、始终如一、坚定不移。你必须有自己的规划。在上床睡觉之前,一定要对第二天有规划。每天都要努力实现计划。你必须这样做。只要你提高了效率,一切都会顺利进行。我想让你知道,这并不是仅凭运气就能做到。成功会带来好处,这好处并不是什么所谓的好运气。成功并不难。你做好计划,每天都执行,这样就可以成功了。一定要做计划,并且执行它。不断做计划,不断执行。如果这个计划没什么效果,那就换一个计划。这就是失败。同时也是吸取教训、不断让自己适应并提高。

If you do the work and you do it for a long enough time you will be successful. Whatever it is, youre bold enough to dream if you are intentional and deliberate about it every single day. If you do a little, youre gonna wake up one day and your dreams are gonna be a reality. The short cut is a lie. The hack doesnt get you there. And if you want to take the easy road, it wont take you to where you want to be. 如果你能在很长一段时间内坚持做一件事情,你就会成功。如果你一心想做好一件事、每天都认真努力,那么无论这是什么事,你都会非常勇敢,相信自己能实现它。如果你每天都努力一点点,那么终有一天你会发现,你的梦想成真了。成功没有捷径。耍小手段并不能让你成功。如果你想走容易走的路,那么你永远到不了自己想去的地方。
