




书       名:Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption (from Different Seasons)

作       者:Stephen King

译       者:施寄青 / 赵永芬 / 齐若兰 


朗       读:Frank Muller





斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King),当代惊悚小说之王,每一部作品都是好莱坞制片商的抢手货。1979年,在他32岁时,成为全世界作家中首屈一指的亿万富翁。他的作品不靠具体的意象来获得恐怖效果,而是通过对事件气氛的营造来震慑读者。


Andy got interested in rocks. And the walls of his cell. 


I think that his initial intention might have been to do no more than to carve his initials into the wall where the poster of Rita Hayworth would soon be hanging. His initials, or maybe a few lines from some poem. Instead, what he found was that interestingly weak concrete. Maybe he started to carve his initials and a big chunk of the wall just fell out. 

我想他最初的想法只是把名字首字母刻在墙上,或者是在后来贴美女海报的墙面上,刻几行诗来鼓舞自己。 哪晓得竟然发现这堵混凝土墙意外地松动,只刻了几个字母,便落下一大块。

I doubt if he had any real plans or hopes of breaking out, at least not at first. He probably assumed the wall was 10 feet of solid concrete, and that if he succeeded in boring all the way through it, he’d come out 30 feet over the exercise yard. 


But like I say, I don’t think he was worried overmuch about breaking through. His assumption could have run this way: I’m only making a foot of progress every seven years or so; therefore, if would take me 70 years to break through; that would make me 101 years old. 


Here’s second assumption I would have made, had I been Andy: that eventually I would be caught and get a lot of solitary time, not to mention a very large black mark on my record. After all, there was the regular weekly inspection and a surprise toss-which usually came at night-every second week or so.


And his response to that second assumption must have been “To hell with it”. Maybe he even made a game out of it. How far in can I get before they find out? Prison is a goddam boring place, and the chance of being surprised by an unscheduled inspection in the middle of the night while he had his poster unstuck probably added some spice to his life during the early years. 


He had all those things on his mind for the next 8 years. All I can say is that he must have been one of the coolest men who ever lived. I would have gone completely nuts after a while, living with all that uncertainty. But Andy just went on playing the game. 


The most ghastly irony I can think of would have been if he had been offered a parole. Can you imagine it? Three days before the parolee is actually released, he is transferred into the light security wing to undergo a complete physical and a battery a vocational tests. 


While he’s there, his old cell is completely cleaned out. Instead of getting his parole, Andy would have gotten a long turn downstairs in solitary, followed by some more time upstairs…but in a different cell. 


If he broke into the shaft in 1967, how come he didn’t escape until 1975? Why didnt he go then?


I think that maybe Andy scared. 


I’ve told you as well as I can how it is to be an institutional man. At first you can’t stand those four walls, then you get so you can abide them, then you get so you accept them…and then, as your body and your mind and your spirit adjust to life on an HO scale, you get to love them. 


You are told when to eat, when you can write letters, when you can smoke. If you’re at work in the laundry or the plate-shop, you’re assigned 5 minutes of each hour when you can go to the bathroom. 


For 35 years, my time was 25 minutes after the hour, and after 35 years, that’s the only time I ever felt the need to take a piss or have a crap: 25 minutes past the hour. And if for some reason I couldn’t go, the need would pass at 30 after, and come back at 25 past the next hour. 


I think Andy may have been wrestling with that tiger-that institutional syndrome-and also with the bulking fears that all of it might have been for nothing. 


How many nights must he have lain awake under his poster, thinking about that sewer line, knowing that he one chance was all he’d ever get? 


The blueprints might have told him how big the pipe’s bore was but a blueprint couldn’t tell him what it would be like inside that pipe-if he would be able to breathe without choking, if the rats were big enough and mean enough to fight instead of retreating…and a blueprint couldn’t told him what he’d find at the end of the pipe, when and if he got there. 


Here’s a joke even funnier than he parole would have been: Andy breaks into the sewer line, crawls through 500 yards of choking, shit-smelling darkness, and comes up against a heavy-gauge mesh screen at the end of it all. Ha, ha, very funny. 


That would have been on his mind. And if the long shot actually came in and he was able to get out, would he be able to get some civilian clothes and get away from the vicinity of the prison undetected? Last of all, suppose he got out of the pipe, got away from Shawshank before the alarm was raised, got to Buxton, overturned the right rock…and found nothing beneath?


So I think-wild guess or not-that Andy just froze in place for a while. After all, you can’t lose if you dont bet. 


What did he have to lose, you ask? His library, for one thing. The poison peace of institutional life, for another. Any future chance to grab his safe identity. 


But he finally did it, just as I have told you. He tried…and, my! Didn’t he succeed in spectacular fashion? You tell me!


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